From: Barbara Legate <>
Date: 01/06/2010 17:39:46 UTC
Subject: Paxton v Ramji update - duty to fetus

The Ontario Court of Appeal, with a 5 member panel, heard Liebig v Guelph General Hospital et al. The five member were empanelled as a result of the plaintiff’s request to revisit the Paxton decision, relied on by defendant docs and hospital in support of the proposition that no duty of care is owed to a fetus in the obstetrical context. Defence argued that the logical interpretation of Paxton would extend it to such cases. I argued for the plaintiffs that 1) the Cooper-Anns test cannot be used to dismantle causes of action, and that doing so is judicial law reform; 2) in light of Fullowka v Pemberton (SCC) that Paxton and Bovingdon would have been decided differently – the important piece in Fullowka being that a proximate relationship that would otherwise give rise to a duty should not be negated if an appropriate standard of care can be fashioned that deals with any conflicts; and 3) the conflict concept relied on by the court in Bovingdon and Paxton is only available in the case of public duties which conflict with private law duties.

( FYI - Bovingdon was the case where chlomid was prescribed to a woman, which led to twin pregnancy. No duty owed to future children. / Paxton was the case where accutane was given to a woman who then became pregnant. Child born deformed. No duty to future child, conceived or unconceived. Liebig  is a standard birth trauma action related to negligence on the day of delivery)

Decision reserved. Was heard May 20th.


Barbara Legate



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